joi, 1 iulie 2010

Floods is Romania,2010

After several days of rain,Romania,a country full of natural wonders is now,a crying Valley.
Hundreds of homes swallowed by water, dozens of lives lost,hundreds of animals drowned,thousands of children homeless and this in just few seconds.Few seconds for this water to take ALL they had!!

Now,it's time to help them,
it's time to stretch them a hand to pull out them of that cold cold water and to warm their souls.
Is time to make that change !

Let's help these people, let's make this for them.
They are alone now,in this cold weather,in rain,without home,with nothing to eat,with no shoes on the feet,without hope and with cold heart.
Let's show them we are a single human race,and we are together is these hard times.
They need us,they need our hands,they need our care.

If you really care enough for the living, give us a little help with money,clothes,food,
personal hygiene products or everything you have or you are able to give.

Help "Mereu Aproape" foundation to save lives:
Account (EUR) : RO31.BRDE.4505.V237.6153.4500.
Address :
Ficusului Boulevard , No. 44A, 3rd floor, 1st sector, Bucharest, Romania.
Telephone : +4021.20.30.246 , +4021.20.30.337 .

UNICEF account (EUR) :
RO10 BRDE 450S V434 6556 4500.

"Dan Voiculescu" Foundation account (EUR) : RO10 BRDE 450S V187 8100 4500

"There's nothing that can't be done, if we raise our voice as one ! " - Michael Jackson

Starting Friday, July 2th , UNICEF organizes a telethon for the victims from Romania.
Now is the time of solidarity.
(Only for Romania)
Donate 2 EUR with a SMS at 876 or
if you're in Romtelecom network, with a call at 0900900760.The lines will be open until August 6th.